
MADSoC Webinar Launch

With the gracious support of the Canadian Centre on Disability Studies, we will officially launch our community with a webinar designed to give you some background on this project and introduce you to one of the authors of the Mad Canada Shadow Report. The webinar will take place on April 5 at 2:00Pm PST. Space… Continue reading MADSoC Webinar Launch


Apply to be a Presenter at Alternatives 2017. Boston, MA August 18-21

This conference in the USA looks right up our alley. I am not sure about travelling to the USA these days, but perhaps by August things will be looking better? Apply to present and see what happens!! ******************************************** [From their website] The National Empowerment Center, a National Consumer Technical Assistance Center, is pleased to announce… Continue reading Apply to be a Presenter at Alternatives 2017. Boston, MA August 18-21